Articles and Photos

Accounts - Year Ending 31 December 2016

02/10/2018 15:18
14/03/2017 19:01                                     COMMENTARYDuring 2016 expenditure on the church building was...

Ann & Joan's Coffee/Tea Cake events

02/10/2018 15:16
Ann & Joan's Coffee/Tea and Cake events20/01/2017 17:55 ‘How much did you say?’For our church charities, Joan and I have always had a ‘coffee Morning’ or ‘afternoon teas’ or both!Last summer, 2016, Joan felt able to have it at her house again and,...

Visit by Jackie Embrey, Synod Moderator

02/10/2018 15:15
Visit by Jacky Embrey, Synod Moderator15/01/2017 21:24  We were delighted to have Jacky Embrey, the Synod Moderator taking our service this morning.  After the service we all enjoyed lunch together...

Operation Christmas Child 2016

02/10/2018 15:12
Operation Christmas Child 201616/12/2016 19:46 The hardwork of St George's folk and the donations from so many generous people enabled 48 shoe boxes to be sent to needy children this Christmas.  On November 16th the shoe boxes were...

Joan and Ron's Bring & Buy

02/10/2018 15:10
Joan & Ron's Bring & Buy - Thursday 25 August 2016                                     Our Church, St. George`s...

New Illuminated Cross

02/10/2018 15:04
18/06/2016 14.57                                     During the winter the lights on our previously illuminated...

Presentation to Mrs Margaret Blair

02/10/2018 14:52
                                    12/06/2016 16:27 We recently celebrated the...

Queen's 90th Birthday Tea & Exhibition of Memorabillia

02/10/2018 14:49

Garden Thingjimmery

02/10/2018 14:42
09/04/2016 14:00                                     A lovely afternoon was spent in St Georges grounds and halls with...
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